Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Champagne taste with only beer money, and one cool spider :)

So this is going to sound a little ‘whatever’ for a bit, so don’t judge and try to stay with me. But I was noticing the other night while smoking a cigarette, again please don’t judge (it was after a few brews), that there is a spider web on a lamp post near the ledge of my apartment. Now this particular spider web I have noticed before, but I actually noticed the spider this time and I thought to myself, while actually saying it aloud as a pseudo soliloquy, “Spider-bro you have the life, you catch your own food as it comes to your home, you have a perfect cover for when it rains and you live there rent free, we fucked up.”
Let’s just go ahead and break that sentence down so that I can better explain where I am coming from. See, I am looking at this particular spider, his home, and his potential meal, as symbolism for where we may fucked up as a society in the Western world. I know this may come across as somewhat philosophical (maybe even out there) and I hope it does, that is my intention.
 In a sense we are all just like this spider. We eat, but instead of setting up an intricate web to catch our meals as they fly by, we do the things that best set us up to get those meals bought and paid for. We do those things like having a job, going to school (be it a trade or university) to get better a job basically doing anything to get that dollar. There are people who are completely happy that have no materialistic needs in their life, and god do I envy those people. They’re necessities  don’t require having a lot of  money to do these things, things like farming for themselves and neighbors and living off the land primarily. Even the agricultural industry in the US is incentivized with subsides to produce mostly major exports leaving other sustainable crops on the back burner and underutilized.
Money makes the world turn. Look at all the trouble it has gotten us into, but it would be foolish to not also account for all of the good it has done the world. The innovations in technology have a direct influence on every part of our daily lives, which is brilliant and detrimental to where we are in the 21st century, which required money. But with a lot of money people can acquire a lot of power, which can potentially lead to corruption. That is an old story though and one that is quite obvious.
Basically what I am saying is that having Champagne taste with only beer money only gets you so far. Our country and most of the world was affected by the recession in 2009 (except you Australia, you sexy country you) and without getting too political, but staying just positively philosophical I am saying we all need to be more like the spider. You see the spider appears rough on the outside and they aren’t necessarily the prettiest thing to look at, but at least it’s honest and I think sometimes money can take that out of people. But if we all stay true to ourselves and figure out a way to get that dollar but getting it in a way with grace and patience we will all be better off and never let corruption and influence from any social construct get in our way, because then the potential flaw in society might take the win.. We can’t let that happen.


Sunday, May 26, 2013

To surf the net or let your voice vibrate…how about a bit of both?

Its 1:56 AM on what now is technically May 26th of 2013. I didn't go out tonight with the hopes of being productive throughout the evening and then possibly catching up on some sleep, but I can't seem to catch any Z's (maybe I should grab a cold one). And I can't put a finger on why I'm tossing and turning on this particular evening, but I'm pretty sure it’s the world. I'm not talking about the cars that are driving along the busy street I live on, nor am I talking about people now walking home from the bar (they close @ 2 in Washington). No, you see, I am talking about everything that is going on around us and the things that are going on constantly whether we are aware of it or not. (The Universe and all its glory)
I'm sure I'm not the only one to think about the future of the world after I'm no longer in it (then again I could be) but nevertheless I think it’s important to critically think about things like that from time to time. I mean, we constantly think about our own futures (respectively) logically it would only make sense if we all did the same   when it comes to progressing society both while we're living and after we're gone, right? Whether or not there is a need to convince you of that, I do promise, it seems to be like the waves slowly coming up on a sandy shore and slowly being pulled back by the sea, there will be generations after ours have gone.
The question is how you want to be remembered, I suppose. And the truly hilarious thing has to be the fact we'll have some type of social media outlet still up and view-able to our kin, which is pretty sweet. It will be the first time pictures, videos, podcasts; blogs (any other crazy shit they come up with) will have been accessible to generations of family after we are long gone. I mean hell we could still be getting happy birthday’s sent exclusively to our profiles.
The point of this rant I seem to be on is that I realized that I am not satisfied with that, the idea of just being a persona on a website terrifies me. For me it’s the thought of being summed up by a post, a tweet, a blog post, or even clicking a like button (that’s how FB advertising works). I guess what I’m trying to say is that we all are capable of such great and awe inspiring things, that it would be criminal to be comfortable going through life without facing the world, not from beyond a computer (I realize I’m saying that ironically) but with our senses and our voice. Don’t get me wrong, technology is amazing and is only getting better it’s an inelastic resource that you should always use, but use it honestly, sparingly  and for purposeful things.
Maybe if we use technology like that, we can all become our best selves and change the world because of it.

I will now step down from my insomnia induced soap box and let you fine people carry on. Till next time! 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It's either brilliant or ridiculous; could be a little bit of both..


       I think I've done it ladies and gents!! I do believe that I have figured out why some guys (definitely not me) have trouble while swimming in the high to low tides of the dating pool. You ready for it? Here it is and it's pretty simple, hell I even came up with a name for it, 'Knight in shining armor syndrome'. Ya see, we're taught from a young age as men, that women want (read with a old cockney accent)," a handsome articulate guy who exudes chivalrous acts, and sets out a bed of roses for his lady to walk on" (back to your normal way of articulating your thoughts), hell if you don't think that's somewhat accurate just put in a VHS of any Disney movie with a princess involved.
       Now I know what you're thinking, "Bryan, you just described yourself, why don't you have a girlfriend?" and that my friends is a valid question. The answer to that question is I tried to portray that too much of K.I.S.A.S at times.But, the good news is I've taken a pill of reality, so I no longer have fits of K.I.S.A.S just manageable calculated and optimal symptoms of it. To clarify I'm definitely no relationship expert (that probably needed some clarity). No, "I am just a guy"  as the great philosopher Ernie L. would say. I just think that sometimes man wants woman so badly, that he tries to be something that he isn't, the same could maybe be said from a women's perspective, but I don't think I'm qualified to speak to that..  
      Don't get me wrong either I think that relationships are great, and if you're in a good one, by all means stay with him/her and live in the moment with one another, appreciate the nuances in the relationship and with one another, love and hold each other. I'm just merely trying to get the word out that K.I.S.A.S is a real epidemic; oh and by the way, I hope you're enunciating it kisas, or similar to kiss-ass, because that old adage really encapsulates what the syndrome can become, a bunch of ass kissing, that leads to you becoming a person you aren't in a relationship that is no longer genuine and that my friends, is a slippery slope that leaves you falling on other areas you'll hoped it hadn't .. 

      Thanks for listening to my banter, please comment if you took the time to read this!! I would definitely appreciate any constructive feed back. Till next time! :) 


Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Wild Rumpus has begun

May 5th 2013,

Welcome! <-- Why do I feel like this comes across as a Realtor at an open house?  This is the first post of what will hopefully be many on this particular blog. In the interest of full disclosure I should tell you that I have never had a blog before, so I may or may  not know what the hell I am doing, but nevertheless it has begun and I intend on finishing anything that I start in life (hopefully). I guess I should start by introducing myself although I'm not certain as to why because I have no real idea why anyone besides me might become interested in reading this; my name is Bryan. Which is a pretty cool name I suppose, I was always a fan of having people call me Bryan even after coming to the realization that every one after 1985 and before 93' that had a child name that child, Brian, or Bryan or some weird variation of the two.. But regardless that is what they call me and I'm fine with it. :) 

Now.. As to WHY we are here... Well first and foremost, I like to write, there is something about it that is therapeutic. As is running and lifting (religiously), smoking a little mary-who-ha (occasionally), having a few drinks (socially), golfing (terribly), hanging out with amazing family and friends (genuinely), chilling out to good music (constantly) and of course making people laugh (hopefully). The last little tit bit about making people laugh is why I am starting this blog and if you happen to get something provocative out of the words that I am using to articulate my thoughts then all the better. 

What you need to take away from this, the first post, is that there will be a second one and it will be the start of the journey into my life and the pursuit of my aspirations of being the true me I can be, not the version of me that is angry at the though of being angry or annoyed at being annoyed, but the emotionally intelligent individual that I try to be on a consistent basis. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not an angry person by any mean, I'm just truly get enjoyment about happiness and when other emotions like anger and anxiety (or whatever) gets in the way of being truly happy, it makes me fight harder to reach that ideal happiness. I think that happiness can be achieved if I pursue a career as a stand up comedian (hopefully) and if you want to follow up on someone who won't quit, read this and give it a shot, if you don't like it then don't read it, that's you're prerogative (bobby brown). Again, this is the first of many, I hope this wasn't too padantic, it was more so a syllabus day than a lecture day, but we'll take care of those from here on out! Thanks for reading and I'll catch ya later. ;) 
