Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It's either brilliant or ridiculous; could be a little bit of both..


       I think I've done it ladies and gents!! I do believe that I have figured out why some guys (definitely not me) have trouble while swimming in the high to low tides of the dating pool. You ready for it? Here it is and it's pretty simple, hell I even came up with a name for it, 'Knight in shining armor syndrome'. Ya see, we're taught from a young age as men, that women want (read with a old cockney accent)," a handsome articulate guy who exudes chivalrous acts, and sets out a bed of roses for his lady to walk on" (back to your normal way of articulating your thoughts), hell if you don't think that's somewhat accurate just put in a VHS of any Disney movie with a princess involved.
       Now I know what you're thinking, "Bryan, you just described yourself, why don't you have a girlfriend?" and that my friends is a valid question. The answer to that question is I tried to portray that too much of K.I.S.A.S at times.But, the good news is I've taken a pill of reality, so I no longer have fits of K.I.S.A.S just manageable calculated and optimal symptoms of it. To clarify I'm definitely no relationship expert (that probably needed some clarity). No, "I am just a guy"  as the great philosopher Ernie L. would say. I just think that sometimes man wants woman so badly, that he tries to be something that he isn't, the same could maybe be said from a women's perspective, but I don't think I'm qualified to speak to that..  
      Don't get me wrong either I think that relationships are great, and if you're in a good one, by all means stay with him/her and live in the moment with one another, appreciate the nuances in the relationship and with one another, love and hold each other. I'm just merely trying to get the word out that K.I.S.A.S is a real epidemic; oh and by the way, I hope you're enunciating it kisas, or similar to kiss-ass, because that old adage really encapsulates what the syndrome can become, a bunch of ass kissing, that leads to you becoming a person you aren't in a relationship that is no longer genuine and that my friends, is a slippery slope that leaves you falling on other areas you'll hoped it hadn't .. 

      Thanks for listening to my banter, please comment if you took the time to read this!! I would definitely appreciate any constructive feed back. Till next time! :) 


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