The Wild Rumpus has begun
May 5th 2013,
Welcome! <-- Why do I feel like this comes across as a Realtor at an open house? This is the first post of what will hopefully be many on this particular blog. In the interest of full disclosure I should tell you that I have never had a blog before, so I may or may not know what the hell I am doing, but nevertheless it has begun and I intend on finishing anything that I start in life (hopefully). I guess I should start by introducing myself although I'm not certain as to why because I have no real idea why anyone besides me might become interested in reading this; my name is Bryan. Which is a pretty cool name I suppose, I was always a fan of having people call me Bryan even after coming to the realization that every one after 1985 and before 93' that had a child name that child, Brian, or Bryan or some weird variation of the two.. But regardless that is what they call me and I'm fine with it. :)
Now.. As to WHY we are here... Well first and foremost, I like to write, there is something about it that is therapeutic. As is running and lifting (religiously), smoking a little mary-who-ha (occasionally), having a few drinks (socially), golfing (terribly), hanging out with amazing family and friends (genuinely), chilling out to good music (constantly) and of course making people laugh (hopefully). The last little tit bit about making people laugh is why I am starting this blog and if you happen to get something provocative out of the words that I am using to articulate my thoughts then all the better.
What you need to take away from this, the first post, is that there will be a second one and it will be the start of the journey into my life and the pursuit of my aspirations of being the true me I can be, not the version of me that is angry at the though of being angry or annoyed at being annoyed, but the emotionally intelligent individual that I try to be on a consistent basis. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not an angry person by any mean, I'm just truly get enjoyment about happiness and when other emotions like anger and anxiety (or whatever) gets in the way of being truly happy, it makes me fight harder to reach that ideal happiness. I think that happiness can be achieved if I pursue a career as a stand up comedian (hopefully) and if you want to follow up on someone who won't quit, read this and give it a shot, if you don't like it then don't read it, that's you're prerogative (bobby brown). Again, this is the first of many, I hope this wasn't too padantic, it was more so a syllabus day than a lecture day, but we'll take care of those from here on out! Thanks for reading and I'll catch ya later. ;)
Sorry about the grammatical errors on this first post everyone! That will NOT be the case from here on out ;)